SCH Number 2020100525
Project Info
- Title
- Ordinance Amendment Application No. PLN2020-0105 - Hemp Cultivation
- Description
- Request to amend Chapter 6.85 Hemp Cultivation, of the Stanislaus County Code, and to adopt a permanent ordinance for the cultivation of hemp in the A-2 (General Agriculture) zoning district of the unincorporated areas of Stanislaus County. Hemp cultivation was made federally legal, as well as legal in the State of California in 2018. Subsequent to the 2018 legislation, hemp has been classified as an agricultural commodity in the State of California. Currently, hemp cultivation in Stanislaus County has been permitted by a pilot program that was enacted in 2019, extended through 2020, and concludes on May 1, 2021. The County’s pilot program limited hemp cultivation to parcels located in the A-2 (General Agriculture) zoning district only when outside a Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) adopted Sphere of Influence of a city, if the parcel is 10 acres or above in size, and no more than 40 acres total will be cultivated. The proposed ordinance amendment will make the pilot program permanent, as well as add requirements for signage, define allowances for onsite processing, and requirements for bonding. Additionally, an amendment to Chapter 21.20 - General Agriculture District (A-2) is being requested to include a reference to the hemp cultivation regulations of Chapter 6.85.
2 documents in project