SCH Number 2020100181

Project Info

TUD Sierra Pines Regional Water Treatment Facility Project
The first phase of the proposed Project (the subject of analysis in the IS/MND) would comprise construction and operation of a water treatment facility with an initial operational capacity of 3 million gallons per day (mgd) to be ultimately increased to 5 mgd through future phased buildout. The proposed Project would include construction and operation of a new 30-acre-foot-capacity raw water reservoir, a raw water pump station, associated appurtenances and electrical structures, water conveyance pipelines and a stormwater detention basin as well as recreational amenities upon the TUD-owned parcel. New and replacement water transmission pipelines would be constructed offsite (within franchise position of roadways and within other public rights of way)
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Tuolumne Utilities District Sierra Pines Regional Water Treatment Facility (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-TUO- 34729-R4)
Tuolumne Utilities District Sierra Pines Regional Water Treatment Facility Project
Tuolumne Utilities District Sierra Pines Regional Water Treatment Facility Project
Tuolumne Utilities District TUD Sierra Pines Regional Water Treatment Facility Project