SCH Number 2020099028
Project Info
- Title
- City of West Sacramento 2021-2029 Housing Element Update
- Description
- The Housing Element demonstrates the City of West Sacramento's commitment to strive that every citizen, regardless of age, income level, socio-economic status, or special needs, has access to adequate and affordable housing. The City's strategy for adequate housing are based on policies, implementing programs, and objectives organized around the following goals: Adequate land for a balanced range of housing; Maintenance, improvement, and rehabilitation of housing; Climate Change, Energy Conservation, and Sustainability Balance of employment and housing; Adequate services for residential development: and Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing. These goals and policies are provided to guide day-to-day decisions regarding housing in the city. Implementation programs follow the goals and policies and provide actions that the City will take after the Housing Element has been adopted to make progress toward its stated housing goals. The 2021 Housing Element for the City of West Sacramento reflects a new direction, based on the 2035 General Plan, to guide the City in meeting its housing needs for all socio-economic segments of the community for the planning period 2021-2029, building on the City's achievements and successes since 2013 when the last Housing Element was adopted. This Housing Element update demonstrates how West Sacramento will meet new recommendations and State law requirements, while also continuing the momentum under the previous Housing Element and the 2035 General Plan.
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