SCH Number 2020090408
Project Info
- Title
- Palomar Street Widening Project
- Description
- The City of Wildomar (City) is the lead agency for the preparation and review of an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the proposed Palomar Street Widening project. The project site is the portion of Palomar Street from Meadow Ridge Lane to the eastern City limits, and the portion of Clinton Keith Road from Renaissance Plaza to Stable Lanes Road. The proposed project would improve connectivity for active transportation users by filling in sidewalk/trail gaps and adding bicycle lanes along two major commuter roadways in the City – Palomar Street and Clinton Keith Road. The proposed project would widen Palomar Street from two lanes to four lanes. Approximately 4,100 linear feet of Class II bicycle lanes, 530 linear feet if sidewalks and trails would be filled along Palomar Street. On Clinton Keith Road, 630 linear feet of sidewalk is proposed which would increase connectivity for pedestrians.
3 documents in project