SCH Number 2020090340

Project Info

Hotel 55 Project
The applicant requests a General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan Amendment Number 16, to create a new density category for the Anaheim Reso1t Specific Plan (ARSP) (SP92-2); Minor Conditional Use Permit to allow valet parking; Variance to allow a narrower landscaped street setback than required by the Code; Final Site Plan to confirm the Project complies with the ARSP; and Administrative Adjustment for a reduction in the number of parking spaces required by the Code. The applicant proposes to demolish the existing industrial building and construct a six-story, 125-room boutique hotel. The hotel would include a 490-square foot quick serve restaurant with outdoor seating and a 380-square foot market. Vehicular circulation, including valet drop-off and pick up areas, would be located on the northern portion of the site. The hotel would utilize valet parking and a three-tiered "mechanical puzzle" parking system wherein vehicles are stacked in tiers that can be slid, ascended, or descended in order for valet attendants to access the desired vehicle; one tier of the parking system would be subterranean and two tiers would be above grade.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Anaheim Hotel 55 Project NOD #2
City of Anaheim Hotel 55 Project