SCH Number 2020090220
Project Info
- Title
- Manthey Road Bridge Project - Recirculated Focused Initial Study with Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration
- Description
- The City of Lathrop has prepared this Recirculated Focused Initial Study, which examines revisions to the potential environmental impacts of alternatives and mitigation measures for threatened and endangered species being considered for the proposed project in the City of Lathrop, San Joaquin County in California. The City of Lathrop is the lead agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The document presents enhanced mitigation measures to address impacts on Swainson’s hawk and riparian brush rabbit, and provides some additional information about these species, in response to comments from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife on the Draft IS/MND. Chapter 1 explains why the project is being proposed, and the alternatives we have considered for the project. The existing environment that could be affected by the project, potential impacts of each of the alternatives, and proposed avoidance, minimization, and/or mitigation measures for all other resource areas were presented in the Draft IS/MND/EA.
2 documents in project