SCH Number 2020080552

Project Info

Rancho Canada Sewer Replacement Project
The Rancho Cañada Sewer Replacement Project would replace a Carmel Area Wastewater District (CAWD) sewer main. The purpose of the project is to upsize and regrade the existing pipeline to address capacity issues to handle current flows and address surcharging. The project would involve installation of a total of 4,240 linear feet of new gravity sewer mains, consisting of the following: Replacement of 3,120 linear feet of existing 10-inch diameter gravity sewer main along an alternate alignment with a new 15-inch sewer main using open trench installation methods Replacement of 330 linear feet of 10-inch truss sewer main with 15-inch sewer main Replacement of 790 linear feet of eight-inch truss sewer main with eight-inch polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sewer main by pipe bursting from the east side of PCRP to Via Mallorca Road and Via Petra Road
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Carmel Area Wastewater District (CAWD) Rancho Canada Sewer Replacement Project
Carmel Area Wastewater District (CAWD) Rancho Canada Sewer Replacement Project