SCH Number 2020080470
Project Info
- Title
- Description
- The City of Palmdale (City) has developed the Palmdale Transit Area Specific Plan (PTASP) that proposes a framework and development strategy for a pedestrian oriented mixed-use district surrounding the City of Palmdale’s Transportation Center (PTC) and the future high-speed rail (HSR) station. The PTASP would replace the Palmdale Transit Village Specific Plan (PTVSP), adopted in 2007. With the introduction of HSR and a planned station in the City, Palmdale is expected to experience a new era of growth, thereby increasing interest and development around the future multi-modal station. Revitalization of this area presents an opportunity to transform downtown Palmdale into an active and cohesive mixed use transit village. The PTASP intends to coordinate land uses, development intensity, building scale, and aesthetic characteristics of future development to create a mixed-use neighborhood with amenities for existing and future residents, employees, and visitors and that supports and sustains existing and planned transit services in the planning area.
2 documents in project