SCH Number 2020080410
Project Info
- Title
- PA-1800112, PA-1800156, & PA-1800300 (GP, ZR, UP)
- Description
- A General Plan Map Amendment to amend the land use designation of a 10.0-acre parcel from General Agriculture (A/G) to Truck Terminal (I/T); a Zoning Reclassification to rezone the same parcel from General Agriculture, 40-acre minimum, (AG-40) to Truck Terminal (I-T); and, a Use Permit for the underlying project on the same parcel to establish a truck terminal to include the construction of a 4,800-square-foot shop; a 4,800-square-foot transfer dock; a 3,500-square-foot office; and 142 truck/trailer parking spaces to lease to private truckers.
2 documents in project