SCH Number 2020070320
Project Info
- Title
- Ukiah Municipal Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (UKIALUCP)
- Description
- The proposed ALUCP will replace the existing ALUCP for the airport adopted by the Mendocino County ALUC in October 1993 and revised in June 1996. The need for updating the ALUCP for Ukiah Municipal Airport is due to local and state level changes that have occurred since the plan was adopted in 1996. In 2011 the California Division of Aeronautics published new airport land use compatibility guidance. In 2015, the City of Ukiah - owner and operator of the airport - adopted a new plan defining its 20-year growth plan for airport development. The proposed ALUCP for the Ukiah Municipal Airport reflects these two resources as required by PUC Section 21675(a). The proposed ALUCP is regulatory in nature and neither the project - the adoption of the ALUCP - nor its subsequent implementation by local agenices would directly lead to any new development or physical change to the environment.
2 documents in project