SCH Number 2020059017

Project Info

Portola Road Bridge Replacement Project (Bridge Number 35C0055)
The Town of Woodside proposes to replace the Portola Road Bridge (Bridge Number 35C0055) with an 81.5-foot long by 30-foot wide two-span prestressed precast concrete bridge. Due to right-of-way constraints, the bridge would be configured with two 10-foot lanes, a 5-foot eastbound sidewalk, an approximately 2-foot wide westbound shoulder, and concrete barriers on both sides. The project is located within the Alambique Creek Town-Designated Stream Corridor, and therefore requires a Conditional Use Permit. The purpose of this project is to rehabilitate or replace the bridge to improve safety and longevity for vehicular and non-vehicular traffic. Eight trees (1 redwood, 3 Douglas fir, and 4 California bays) would be removed to construct the project.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Mateo County Portola Road Bridge Replacement Project (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2020-0225- R3)
Town of Woodside Portola Road Bridge Replacement Project (Bridge Number 35C0055)
Town of Woodside Portola Road Bridge Replacement Project (Bridge Number 35C0055)