SCH Number 2020050528
Project Info
- Title
- Feather River East Levee Southern Toe Access Corridor Project
- Description
- Reclamation District 10 is proposing to construct approximately 2 miles of an all-weather elevated landside toe access corridor (TAC) along the Feather River east levee, in the southwestern portion of RD 10, to improve levee accessibility for patrol and maintenance purposes. The TAC would be constructed at the landside levee toe by placing 3 feet of fill, topped with 6 inches of aggregate base. The TAC would follow the existing landside elevations and would generally have a 2 percent cross slope to drain water away from the levee. The TAC would be approximately 24 feet wide, with a 20-foot-wide area of aggregate base. Two existing drainage culverts would be extended through the TAC, and a 3-foot-tall vehicle barrier would be installed.
2 documents in project