SCH Number 2020050448
Project Info
- Title
- 2020 - 2028 Housing Element
- Description
- The City of Morro Bay (City) is the lead agency for the preparation and review of an Initial Study/Negative Declaration (IS/ND) for the proposed Morro Bay Housing Element Update 2020 - 2028. The Housing Element is one of the seven State-mandated elements of the City’s General Plan and was last updated in 2014 for the 2014 – 2019 planning period. The Housing Element identifies and assesses the City’s existing and projected housing needs and provides an inventory of constraints and resources relevant to meeting these needs. The Housing Element must also identify how the City will meet its share of the regional housing need, commonly referred to as the regional housing needs allocation (RHNA). The Housing Element update identifies the potential for development of up to 441 new housing units. The proposed project may also result in updating the City’s zoning ordinance to allow development on APN 068-323-034 at 405 Atascadero Road to allow projects that have at least 20 percent affordable (extremely low, very low or low) units without discretionary review or “by right.”
2 documents in project