SCH Number 2020049035

Project Info

Coldstream Canyon Watershed Restoration Project
The Project is being proposed by the Truckee River Watershed Council (TRWC) in partnership with the CEQA lead agency, California Department of Parks and Recreation - State Parks (CDPR). The project would help restore hydrologic and ecosystem function to the Coldstream Canyon watershed, a 12.5 square-mile watershed near Truckee, California. The project focuses on restoration of three main landforms within the watershed: 1) improvements to CDPR roads, including at up to 21 drainage crossings to improve drainage and decrease water capture and erosion; 2) riparian and wetland habitat enhancement at two adjacent ponds (formerly gravel borrow pits); and 3) channel stabilization and floodplain restoration of a 0.75 mile long stretch of Cold Creek.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Parks and Recreation Coldstream Canyon Watershed Restoration Project
California Department of Parks and Recreation Coldstream Canyon Restoration Project (Streambed Alteration Agreement EPIMS Notification No. PLA-33494-R2)
California Department of Parks and Recreation Coldstream Canyon Watershed Restoration Project
California Department of Parks and Recreation Coldstream Canyon Watershed Restoration Project
California Department of Parks and Recreation Coldstream Canyon Watershed Restoration Project