SCH Number 2020040314
Project Info
- Title
- Laurel Grove Avenue Sewer Rehabilitation Project
- Description
- The Laurel Grove Avenue Sewer Rehabilitation Project is located along Laurel Grove Avenue between Sir Francis Drake Boulevard and Makin Grade with Project elements extending on Quisisana Drive and Hanken Drive. The Project entails the construction and rehabilitation, within the existing alignment, of approximately 4,370 linear ft of sanitary sewer mains and related appurtenances within the town of Kentfield. The Project includes: • Rehabilitation or replacement, by pipe bursting, of approximately 3,510 ft of sewers (with high-density polyethylene [HDPE] pipe), and upsizing the diameter of the trunk line under Laurel Grove Avenue between Sir Francis Drake Boulevard and Makin Grade. • Replacement, by open cut, of approximately 290 linear ft of 6-in. clay and cast-iron sewer on Quisisana Drive with 10-in. plastic (polyvinyl chloride [PVC] pipe) pipe between Laurel Grove Avenue including a storm drain pipe drainage shield and the first manhole, which will also be replaced to prevent ground water infiltration. • Replacement, by open cut, of approximately 185 linear ft of the clay sewer on Hanken Drive with an 8-in. plastic (PVC pipe) and replacement of 310 linear ft of clay sewer by pipe burst on Laurel Grove Avenue and on Hanken Drive to the first manhole (with high-density polyethylene [HDPE] pipe). • Upsizing the lower section of the sewer from 10 in. to 16 in. of approximately 110 linear feet with [PVC] pipe under Sir Francis Drake Boulevard, installed by open cut methods including a pipe casing under the storm drain. The primary objective of this Project is to relieve hydraulic and structural deficiencies and reduce groundwater infiltration with aging RVSD infrastructure. The Project is anticipated to be completed by late October 2020. Work hours will generally be from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. along the Laurel Grove Avenue, Quisisana Drive and Hanken Drive alignments. Work hours will generally be from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. at the Sir Francis Drake Boulevard alignment.
2 documents in project