SCH Number 2020040196

Project Info

Byron Sand Mine Maria South Amendment
The Project will modify the land use permit and reclamation plan for an existing sand mine. The existing permitted Byron Sand Mine operations encompass approximately 1,367 acres, with 966 acres owned by G3 Enterprises and 401 aces leased from adjacent landowners. The Byron Sand Mine Maria South Amendment (Project) would amend Land Use Permit #2078-91 and the Byron Mine Reclamation Plan to permit mine operations on the proposed Maria South quarry site. The proposed Maria South quarry would allow sand excavation on 15 acres of the project site adjacent to the existing, operational Evo-East quarry, thus expanding the approved Evo-East pit to the southeast, creating a single 50-acre contiguous quarry footprint. An additional 5 acres is proposed for storage of topsoil and overburden to be used for future reclamation activities. The project would also create a new 60-acres conservation easement. Mined sand would be quarried with scrapers or excavators/haul truck, transported to the existing feed hopper at the Evo-East pit where it will be combined with water and converted to slurry. The sand slurry would then be hydraulically transported to the Byron Sand Mine processing plant, and ultimately transported from the facility by truck to customers in the same manner as sand currently being mined. No modifications to the Evo-East hopper or slurry-transport facilities are needed, and there will be no increases in daily or annual truck traffic. Proposed mining operations for Maria South Amendment will be consistent with existing operations and would result in no increases in daily or annual mine throughput. Compared to the existing entitlements, the primary change would be a 20-acre increase in disturbed area and an approximately six-year extension in the Byron Sand Mine's current operational life. Whereas the existing land use permit specifies an expiration date of 2026 for mining operations at the Byron Sand Mine, the County no longer imposes expiration date on land use permits. Land use entitlements run with the land until the use is discontinued. Based on the estimated volume of saleable material on the Maria South site, mining operations at the Byron Sand Mine would be extended by approximately six years with approval of the Proposed Project.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Contra Costa County Byron Sand Mine Evo East Quarry Expansion Project (California Endangered Species Act (CESA) Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2022-007-03 (ITP))
Contra Costa County Byron Sand Mine Maria South Amendment