SCH Number 2020029033

Project Info

Baumgardner Ranch Development Project
The project site is located at the southern edge of the City of Cloverdale in Sonoma County, California and consists of Assessor's Parcel Number 117-040-053 &-084. The applicant is proposing to develop 304 housing units composed of 79 single-family residences, 59 row house units, 166 apartment units, and 2 community clubhouses and related infrastructure. In total, the project would develop 20.3 acres while preserving 6.79 acres of hillside woodland areas above 400-feet on the project site and preserve an additional 1.50 acres, which contains an existing homestead. The project would include a 25-foot setback from top of bank from the unnamed drainage in the northeast portion of the site. Because the project site is currently located outside of the city limits, the project includes annexation into the City of Cloverdale, a General Plan Amendment to re-designate the project site to Medium Density Residential and High Density Residential, and prezoning to Planned Unit Development.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Cloverdale Cloverdale Development (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2019-0310-R3)
City of Cloverdale Baumgardner Ranch Development Project