SCH Number 2020020217

Project Info

SCE Mesa Facility Parcels 6 and 7 Removal Action Workplan
The purpose of the Removal Action Workplan (RAW) is to remediate hexavalent chromium and lead in Site soil as well as tetrachloroethene (PCE) in soil vapor, through excavation and off-site removal of contaminated soil, to minimize future potential human exposure to these chemicals. Implementation of the RAW is expected to take 45 days and require excavation, loading and off-site disposal of approximately 5,400 Cubic Yards (CY) of soil from the Site. Soil and soil gas confirmation sampling, analyses, and health risk assessment will be conducted to confirm that residual chemicals on site will have no potential future impact on site occupants and that unrestricted closure status for the Site can be granted by DTSC. The RAW includes evaluation of available removal methods and selects a preferred alternative to be used to clean-up the Site based on the Final Comprehensive Site Characterization Report (CSCR) approved by DTSC in August 2019. The RAW was submitted in August 2019, by Leighton Consulting, Inc. on behalf of Southern California Edison (SCE), the project proponent. See NOE for Full Details.
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California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) SCE Mesa Facility Parcels 6 and 7 Removal Action Workplan