SCH Number 2019110342

Project Info

Central Park Master Plan Update reVision
The Central Park Master Plan Update reVISION is a comprehensive planning document which defines the development of the remaining, undeveloped land located west of the existing Senior and Community Centers at Central Park. It identifies smaller (1-11 acre), buildable sections, so that when funding becomes available, park development could continue within the framework of a comprehensive community inspired vision. The proposed Project is composed of recreation areas and elements that relate to the existing open drainage channel spine and is anchored by the Senior and Community Centers to the east and the proposed Recreation Pool, Multi-Purpose Facility, and Tennis Courts to the west. The park will provide a variety of both active and passive zones and uses for groups of all ages. The Universal Accessible Playground will provide access to opportunity for people of all ages and abilities to promote play, physical activity, sociability, and learning. The Adventure Area will promote a unique outdoor experience for personal physical development, leadership, and team building. The park also features the “Great Lawn”, Viticulture Pavilion, a flexible park area for large community event gatherings and celebrations.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Rancho Cucamonga Central Park Master Plan Update reVision
City of Rancho Cucamonga Central Park Master Plan Final EIR
City of Rancho Cucamonga Central Park Master Plan Update reVision
City of Rancho Cucamonga Central Park Master Plan Update reVISION Project