SCH Number 2019110186

Project Info

Scannell Properties Project
Scannell Properties (applicant) proposes to build two warehouse fulfillment buildings totaling approximately 325,000 square feet on a 29.4-acre site in unincorporated Contra Costa County in the North Richmond area. The proposed project includes the removal of existing vegetation, fill of 0.145 acre of existing wetlands/water of the United States, and the creation of new wetland areas on-site. The proposed project would include installation of approximately 425,000 square feet of landscaped areas (including bioretention areas and wetland mitigation sites); construction of approximately 546 auto parking spaces, 16 tractor parking spaces, and 194 trailer parking spaces; construction of off-site improvements, such as roadway improvements, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, landscaping, bioretention swales, utility connections, and traffic calming improvements; removal of five code protected trees; and annexation into the West County Wastewater District.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Contra Costa County Parr Boulevard Development Project (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2018-0333-R3)
Contra Costa County Scannell Properties Project
Contra Costa County Scannell Properties Project
Contra Costa County Scannell Properties North Richmond Warehouse Project