SCH Number 2019110152

Project Info

American Tin Cannery Hotel and Commercial Project
The project would replace an existing 165,000 square feet of “factory outlet” and related uses with a new hotel and commercial uses. The hotel and commercial uses would provide 225 guest rooms in two primary guest wings (Family/Group Wing and Executive Wing) with a restaurant and lounge areas, meeting and gathering spaces, spa and fitness center and approximately 20,000 square feet of street retail uses along the Ocean View Blvd. and Eardley Ave. frontages. No specific businesses or end users of the retail space have been identified. The project would provide subterranean and surface parking lots to park 304 vehicles.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Pacific Grove American Tin Cannery Hotel & Commercial Project
City of Pacific Grove American Tin Cannery Hotel and Commercial Project
City of Pacific Grove American Tin Cannery Hotel and Commercial Project