SCH Number 2019110083
Project Info
- Title
- Laguna Niguel City Center
- Description
- Located within the City of Laguna Niguel, the approximately 25-acre project site (Assessor’s Parcel Number 656-242-18) is owned by the County of Orange and would be leased to Laguna Niguel Town Center Partners, LLC to develop the proposed mixed-use project. The site is immediately adjacent to City Hall. The site is generally bounded by Pacific Island Drive to the north, Alicia Parkway to the east, Crown Valley Parkway to the south, and multifamily residential communities to the west. The general vision of the Laguna Niguel City Center Mixed Use Project (proposed project) is to create a “downtown” environment that features specialty retail, restaurants, office, community-oriented event/programmable space, integrated residential apartment homes, a new community library, and extensive walkable open spaces, paseos, and plazas. The proposed project would include the development of approximately 175,000 square feet of commercial and civic uses and 275 multifamily residential units. Approvals include a General Plan Amendment (GPA 19-01), Zone Change (ZC 19-01), Zoning Code Amendment (ZCA 19-01), Vesting Tentative Tract Map (TTM 19024), and Site Development Permit (SDP 19-03).
4 documents in project