SCH Number 2019109084

Project Info

Old Banks Landfill Project
DWR is proposing to repair and upgrade the existing cap at the Old Banks Landfill to address concerns related to landfill debris exposure raised by the Contra Costa County Health Department (CCCHD). These concerns will be addressed by confining the Landfill materials and preventing the Landfill contents from being exposed by rodent activities, as well as improving surface drainage, and minimizing the need for future maintenance. Project activities include placing fill soil material on the Landfill crown to bring the site to grade, placing a commercially available rodent control barrier material, and placing a surface layer on top of the rodent control barrier.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Old Banks Landfill Cap Project
California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Old Banks Landfill Project