SCH Number 2019099063

Project Info

Initial Study No. 7649 (The Termo Company)
Allow three exploratory petroleum oil and natural gas wells with the potential for an oil production facility on a 1.79-acre (78,000 square feet) portion of a 160-acre parcel in the AE-20 (Exclusive Agricultural, 20-acre minimum parcel size) Zone District. The subject parcel is located on the south side of Mount Whitney Avenue, approximately 2,620 feet west of its intersection with Lassen Avenue (State Route 269) and one half-mile west of the unincorporated community of Five Points (SUP. DIST. 4) (APN 050-130-75S).
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Fresno County Initial Study Application No. 7649, Unclassified Conditional Use Permit Application No. 3653
Fresno County Initial Study No. 7649 (The Termo Company)