SCH Number 2019089046
Project Info
- Title
- Alameda County 2019 Bicycle Pedestrian Master Plan for the Unincorporated Area
- Description
- The proposed project is the Alameda County 2019 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (BPMP) for the unincorporated area. The Alameda County Bicycle Pedestrian Master plan was last updated in 2012. The BPMP outlines the purpose and need and establishes goals and policies. It identifies Bicycle Network, Pedestrian Network, safety and education elements, and implementation strategies. The plan also recommend actions for General plan update. This plan was prepared to update the previous Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan documents of 2012. The plan provides a vision for bicycling and walking in Alameda County as important alternative transportation modes. The plan also identifies implementable projects that will contribute to a more bicycle and pedestrian-friendly environment and recommends bikeways network by facility and types for the Unincorporated County. The Plan designates bicycle and pedestrian activity corridors that connect to employment centers, transit centers, parks, schools, neighborhoods, and commercial districts throughout the Unincorporated Alameda County Unincorporated. The designation of the bicycle and pedestrian activity corridors are a planning tool for understanding where physical improvements are most needed and where those improvements would have the most positive impact. The Plan also recommends bicycle and pedestrian design elements to encourage higher standards for safety and access in future County projects. The draft BPMP is available at: c23a/1562968754484/REV+BPMD+Unincorporated+Alameda+County.pdf
2 documents in project