SCH Number 2019080248
Project Info
- Title
- Harbor LA Community Plans Update
- Description
- The proposed project includes amending both the policy documents and General Plan Land Use Maps for the Harbor Gateway and Wilmington-Harbor City Community Plans. The Proposed Plans would also adopt several zoning ordinances to implement the updates to the Community Plans, including rezoning all parcels in the CPAs to regulate specific uses and apply development standards (including height of structures, Floor Area Ratios, and site configuration) using the New Zoning Code. The amendments to the Policy Documents and the General Plan Land Use Maps for the Harbor LA Community Plans are intended to guide development through the year 2040 by establishing the City’s broad planning goals, policies, and objectives, the arrangement of land uses and intensities, as well as specific development standards for the Plan areas. The Harbor LA Community Plans are intended to improve the link between land use and transportation in a manner that is consistent with the City’s adopted General Plan Framework Element, Mobility Element, Senate Bill 375 and other state laws.
2 documents in project