SCH Number 2019079108

Project Info

1499 Bayshore Highway Project
The project consists of demolishing all existing structures on the 2.19 acre site, to construct a new, 11-story, 404 guestroom hotel; an attached above-grade four-level parking structure for 289 spaces; and a one-story, 2,900 square foot free standing restaurant. The project in total would consist of approximately 400,000 gross square feet. The hotel would be a maximum of 136 feet. The building footprint would cover 57,665 square feet of the 95,396 square foot site (60.4 percent of the lot). The project would require Design Review and a Conditional Use Permit to implement the project.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Burlingame 1499 Bayshore Highway Project
City of Burlingame 1499 Bayshore Highway Project