SCH Number 2019079103
Project Info
- Title
- Conco Industrial Subdivision - County Files #SD17-9459 & #LP14-2046
- Description
- The applicant requests approval of a tentative map to subdivide a 66.57-acre portion of the project site (APN 159-250-018, -019) into six individual industrial lots. Included is a request for approval of a land use permit to allow 1) the establishment of up to five contractor's yard uses (1 immediate, 4 future); 2) roadway and utility improvements impacting three additional parcels (APN 159-250-020, -021, -022); and 3) importation of up to 155,576+/- cubic yards of fill material, some of which is composed of lightweight confoam material. Lastly, the proposed project also consists of the following secondary elements:
2 documents in project