SCH Number 2019079050

Project Info

5150 El Camino Real Residential Development
The project site is currently developed with an approximately 78,950 square-foot office building and accompanying paved surface parking and landscaping. The project proposes to demolish the existing office building on-site and redevelop the site with two five story condominium buildings above one level of below-grade parking, two three-story townhome buildings with individual garages, surface visitor parking, and associated on-site improvements and landscaping. In total, the project would provide 196 residential units. The condominium buildings would provide 172 residential units and contain a mix of one- and two-bedroom units. The condominium buildings would front on El Camino Real along the northern (front) portion of the project site, reaching a maximum height of 56 feet above grade and providing approximately 183,650 square feet of residential space. The townhome buildings would provide 24 residential units and would be located at the southern (rear) portion of the project site. The town home buildings would reach a maximum height of 30 feet above grade and provide approximately 45,200 square feet of residential space. *See NOC for full details*
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Los Altos 5150 El Camino Residential Development
City of Los Altos 5150 El Camino Real Residential Development