SCH Number 2019079022

Project Info

South Central Specific Plan
The South Central Specific Plan (SCSP) proposes land use designation changes for certain areas, requiring a General Plan amendment and rezone of the same properties. The changes are proposed primarily to 1) reconcile land use designations with existing conditions, 2) to buffer sensitive uses (e.g., residential areas, Orange Center School) with less intensive uses (e.g., business park instead of industrial), and 3) to provide more opportunities for neighborhood-serving general commercial uses near residential areas. The SCSP would result in substantial reductions in acreage of Heavy Industrial land uses and a modest decrease in Regional Business Park, with corresponding increases in acreage of Business Park, Single-Family Residential, Public, Light Industrial, and General Commercial uses. The Plan Area currently supports nearly 19.6 million square feet of nonresidential development and 400 residential units. It is estimated that an additional 12 million square feet of nonresidential uses and 91 dwelling units would be constructed by 2040. Growth in the Plan Area would be primarily industrial, with smaller amounts of office and retail uses. Other land uses would be permitted in accordance with General Plan land use designations, but are not the focus of the SCSP
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Fresno South Central Specific Plan
City of Fresno South Central Specific Plan
City of Fresno South Central Specific Plan
City of Fresno South Industrial Priority Area Specific Plan Project