SCH Number 2019070378

Project Info

Southport Sacramento River Early Implementation Project Supplemental Environmental Impact Report
Since the Southport Sacramento River EIP EIR covered restoration of borrow sites, the proposed project is limited to hauling of fill material for restoration from the SRWTP Borrow Site. The EIR covered importing up to 2,400,000 CY of fill material from up to 20 miles away; however, without known quantities or location, the EIR did analyze all of the impacts. The EIR covered hauling to an extent from potential borrow sites within the City of West Sacramento. Use of the SRWTP Borrow Site requires additional hauling on roadways in the City of West Sacramento, Sacramento County, and the City of Elk Grove. Use of the SRWTP Borrow Site and additional hauling activities will be the focus of the Supplemental EIR.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
West Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency Southport Sacramento River Early Implementation Project
West Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency Southport Sacramento River Early Implementation Project Supplemental Environmental Impact Report