SCH Number 2019070058

Project Info

Von Der Ahe Forest Enhancement Project (SNC 1063)
The Sierra Nevada Conservancy provided $721,487 in funding for forest management activities on forested lands in southern Mariposa County near the communities of Triangle Park, Lush Meadows, Ponderosa Basin, Jerseydale, and Bootjack. The treatments would restore the property's forest which has been heavily impacted by drought, pest infestation, tree mortality, and dense overgrown vegetation. The property is in a high severity wildfire zone and is a potential threat to the surrounding communities and forests. Specific treatments on a minimum of 250 acres would include hand and mechanical thinning to achieve 150 trees per acre in plantations and to establish 15 feet between crowns of oak trees, dead trees will be removed to a density not to exceed five per acre, and pruning will occur to limb trees to 10 feet. All work will be performed in compliance with the California Forest Practices Act and an adopted Nonindustrial Timber Management Plan (NTMP) prepared for the property (No. N4-99- 6; Von Der Ahe NTMP), which was approved by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) on July 20, 1999.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Von Der Ahe Forest Enhancement Project (SNC 1063)
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Von Der Ahe Forest Enhancement Project (SNC 1063)