SCH Number 2019070047

Project Info

L.A. Moran Reforestation Center Nursery Restoration and Facility Upgrade
The L.A. Moran Reforestation Center ("LAMRC") is in the City of Davis in Yolo County. As part of LAMRC operations CALFIRE operates and maintains a seed bank that is utilized by public agencies, industrial timberland companies, and private citizens. LAMRC at one time also operated a nursery, but it was closed in 2003 due to budget constraints. This project will reestablish nursery operations at LAMRC to provide seedlings for reforestation as part of CALFIRE's response to the tree mortality occurring in the Sierra and the increasingly regular catastrophic wildfires occurring on an almost annual basis. In addition to reestablishing the nursery program, upgrades to the seed bank and the LAMRC facility in general will occur. CALFIRE will be implementing several actions over the course of the next two years at the LAMRC. To re-establish the nursery and upgrade the facilities the following would occur: A new greenhouse/shadehouse (9,200 sf), restoration of two existing greenhouses, construction of a pre-fabricated tractor shed ( 40 x 40), construction of pre-fabricated de-winger shed (40 x 40), new shop (80 x 40), fertigation shed (12 x 12), electrical system upgrade, and extension ofutilities (trenching).
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Cal Fire L.A. Moran Reforestation Center Nursery Restoration and Facility Upgrade