SCH Number 2019070044

Project Info

California College of the Arts Oakland Campus Redevelopment Project
The Project proposes to redevelop the CCA Oakland campus with up to 510 residential units in two residential buildings up to 10 stories in height. The project would also include approximately 16,945 square feet of office space; a 1,408-square-foot commercial retail; 1.46 acres (63,727 square feet) of privately-owned public open space (POPOS), including 11,884 square feet of space that may be used for group assembly space; 268 structured and ground level parking spaces (there are 41 existing spaces for a net increase of 227 new spaces); and 510 bicycle parking spaces. Some of the retail and group assembly space may be utilized for personal instruction and improvement services. Macky Hall and the Broadway Wall and Stairs are proposed to be preserved with Macky Hall also planned for renovations. The Carriage House would be relocated on-site and renovated. The remaining ten buildings would be demolished.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Oakland California College of the Arts Oakland Campus Redevelopment Project
City of Oakland California College of the Arts Oakland Campus Redevelopment Project
City of Oakland California College of the Arts Oakland Campus Redevelopment Project
City of Oakland California College of the Arts and Clifton Hall Redevelopment Project (Case File No. ER19003)