SCH Number 2019069095

Project Info

13350 River Road LLC (Previously Daysprings Pretty) Conditional Use Permit (ED 19-141) DRC2018-00036
Hearing to consider a request by 13350 River Road LLC (previously Helios Dayspring) for a Conditional Use Permit (DRC2018-00036) to authorize cannabis operations with up to three acres of outdoor cultivation in hoop structures, up to 22,000 square feet of indoor mixed-light cultivation, up to 27,570 square feet of ancillary cannabis nursery, and operation of a non-storefront dispensary. The dispensary, as well as ancillary processing, curing, drying and trimming, and ancillary nursery will occupy a 4,740 square foot existing winery building. The project will include the construction of one greenhouse building with a total combined floor area of 45,000 square feet and the installation of 20, 5,000-gallon water storage tanks. In addition, a new 5,000 sq.ft. metal building will be constructed to be used for drying and processing and the placement; one seatrain container will be used for the storage of agricultural equipment. Outdoor cultivation and nursery activities will occur within a total of 63 hoop structures. The project includes a request for an ordinance modification to reduce the required number of parking spaces from 95 to 24. The project will result in approximately 13.4 acres of site disturbance on an approximately 63-acre parcel located at 13350 River Road, east of the community of San Miguel. The project is within the Agricultural land use category and the Salinas River Sub Planning Area of the North County Planning Area.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Luis Obispo County 13350 River Road LLC (Previously Daysprings Pretty) Conditional Use Permit (ED 19-141) DRC2018-00036
Loma Prieta Joint Union Elementary School District Loma Prieta Joint Unified School District Domestic Water Supply Project
San Luis Obispo County DRC2018-00036 Dayspring Pretty Conditional Use Permit