SCH Number 2019059120

Project Info

High Desert Solar Project
The High Desert Solar Project (HDSP or Proposed Project) would be a nominal 108-megawatt (MWac) solar photovoltaic (PV) power facility and related substation with an integrated battery energy storage system (BESS), located in the City of Victorville, San Bernardino County, California. The HDSP would provide renewable energy and critically needed flexibility attributes needed to advance California's Renewable Portfolio Standard {RPS) goals, climate policies, and to enhance electrical grid reliability. The Proposed Project would be developed on a total of approximately 624 acres (project site} consisting of an approximately 581-acre solar PV field, BESS, substation, and balance of system, collectively referred to as the Solar Field Area, and an approximately 35-acre corridor consisting of a 2.3-mile 230-kilovolt (kV) Gen-Tie line that would run east and then south in a defined and studied corridor to connect to the existing Victor-Caldwell 230kV line, upstream of the first pole on the Southern California Edison system. Additionally, a 1.7-mile 12.47kV Service Line would connect to the Victorville Municipal Utility Services (VMUS) system. This line would run as underbuilt with the 230kV line for the first mile and then diverge to the west and run on standard distribution utility poles to connect to the VMUS system at the Victorville Industrial Wastewater Treatment Facility south of the Solar Field Area. The Gen-Tie tine and Service Line are collectively referred to as the Interconnection Facilities. The Interconnection Facilities would be located within linear corridors, 120 feet and 40 feet wide respectively, covering a total area of approximately 35 acres of which only a small portion would actually be disturbed. An approximately 8-acre Gen-Tie Laydown Area would be located on a vacant parcel of land adjacent and to the west and north of the existing High Desert Power Plant.
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Victorville High Desert Solar 1600-2019-0122-R6
City of Victorville High Desert Solar Project (California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2019- 023-06 Amendment No 1 (ITP))
City of Victorville High Desert Solar Project (California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2019- 023-06 (ITP))
City of Victorville High Desert Solar Project
City of Victorville High Desert Solar Project
City of Victorville High Desert Solar Project