SCH Number 2019059077

Project Info

Sunny Truck Service Center Project
The Project includes a prezoning, a General Plan Amendment, annexation, site plan, and a lot line adjustment involving five parcels. Development of the Project as proposed would also require the annexation of five existing parcels by the City (APNs 045-170-018, 019, 020, 021, and 024). The Proposed Project also includes the construction of a 11,800 square foot truck service center on a 2.13 acre lot. A 0.74 acre area is set aside to the north of the proposed truck service center for potential future commercial development. Parcels APN 045-170-021 and 045-170-024 are not a part of the proposed truck service center project but are directly adjacent to the south and a logical annexation would Include these parcels. No construction is planned for these parcels at this time.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Orland Sunny Truck Service Center Project
City of Orland Sunny Truck Service Center Project