SCH Number 2019049143
Project Info
- Title
- Ponti Fire Road to Trail Project
- Description
- Note: Review Per Lead (1) Realign the 1.2-mile long, 14-foot wide Upper Segment of the Ponti Fire Road into a 2.8-mile lo ng, 5-foot wide sustainable multi-use trail with an average grade of 10 percent; Change fire road designation to multi-use trail. (2) Maintain and Improve the 0.5-mile long, 14-foot wide Lower Segment of the Ponti Fire Road. within the existing footprint to improve stability, drainage, and the overall sustainability of the fire road for visitor use and to maintain access for emergency vehicles. (3) Construct a New 0.4-mile long, 5-foot wide Connector Trail from Ponti Fire Road to Pacheco Hill Pathway. Construct a new connector trail from the lower segment of the Ponti Fire Road to the Pacheco Hill Pathway. (4) Decommission approximately 4 miles of Non-Designated Trail an Redundant Road and Trail Segments.
2 documents in project