SCH Number 2019049106

Project Info

John Gill School Modernization Project
Modernization scope of work includes upgrades to technology, fire alarm, security, and door hardware in buildings A, D, & E. The project also includes new construction, where existing buildings 8, and C, and portable buildings A 1 and A2 will be demolished and replaced by a two-story administration and classroom building. Modifications to the Site will include relocation of drop-off and pick-up zones and relocation of parking areas; the current number of parking spaces, 45, will remain the same upon completion of the Project. Demolition will include removal of buildings Band C, overhead canopies, portable buildings A 1 and A2, the existing stairs, and exterior elevator.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Redwood City John Gill School Modernization Project
Redwood City School District John Gill School Modernization Project