SCH Number 2019048409

Project Info

Operation of City of Woodland (City) - Aquifer Storage and Recovery Wells (ASR) #29 and #30 Project (Project)
The City constructed two triple-nested monitoring wells and two ASR wells at Well Sites 29 and 30. In addition, a 150 horsepower, diesel-powered generator was installed inside the existing well building at Well Site 30. The wells are drilled to depths of 500 feet. The ASR wells are municipal drinking water supply sources for the City, each capable of injecting treated drinking water for storage into the underlying aquifer and recovering the stored water at a target rate of 2,000 gallon per minute. The monitoring wells will allow long-term groundwater monitoring of aquifer conditions associated with the City's ASR program. Additionally, the City converted Well 28, an existing and permitted water supply well, into an ASR well.
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1 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Drinking Water Operation of City of Woodland (City) - Aquifer Storage and Recovery Wells (ASR) #29 and #30 Project (Project)