SCH Number 2019039097

Project Info

2018-064 Planned Development for Tri-Dam Day Use Recreational Facility
The proposed project is an application for a Planning Development permit for Tri-Dam, to develop a day use recreational facility to provide public access to Tulloch Reservoir. The proposed day use facility will include picnic areas, a fishing pier, beach area, restrooms, an office/storage building, parking area, and a launch for non-motorized watercraft. The day use facility will be operated by Tri-Dam, and will include a security system, an electronic access gate, and locking restrooms to ensure security and inaccessibility from dusk until dawn. The subject property is located at 7430 O’Byrnes Ferry Road in Copperopolis. APN: 064-029-062 is a portion of the SE ¼ of the NW ¼ of section 32, T01N, R13E, MDM. The project parcel is 5.25 acres, is currently undeveloped, and the majority is below the ordinary high water mark USACE jurisdictional limit which is 510 feet above mean sea level. The parcel has a land use designation of Commercial, and is currently zoned General Commercial-Planned Development (C2-PD). The proposed use of the site is permitted by right in the C2 zone.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Calaveras County 2018-064 Planned Development for Tri-Dam Day Use Recreational Facility
Calaveras County 2018-064 Planned Development for Tri-Dam Day Use Recreational Facility
Calaveras County 2018-064 Planned Development for Tri-Dam Day Use Recreational Facility