SCH Number 2019039039
Project Info
- Title
- 550 O'Farrell Street
- Description
- The 11,800 square foot (sf) project site is located at 550 O'Farrell Street in the block bounded by O'Farrell, Geary, Leavenworth and Jones streets in the Downtown/Civic Center neighborhood of San Francisco. A 35,400-sf,two-story-over-basement parking garage currently occupies the site. The existing building was constructed in 1924, is a contributory building to the Uptown Tenderloin Historic District (UTHD), listed on the National Register of Historic Places,and has been previously determined to also be individually eligible for listing on the California Register of Historical Resources. The proposed project would demolish most of the existing building and construct an approximately 104,960-sf, 13-story-over-basement mixed-use building with 111 residential units, a 1,300-sf ground-floor retail or residential amenity space, 156 class 1 bicycle parking spaces, eight class 2 bicycle parking spaces, and no vehicle parking. The project variant would completely demolish the existing building and construct an approximately 106,515-sf,13-story-over-basement mixed-use building with 116 residential units, a 1,300-sf ground-floor retail or residential amenity space, 156 class 1 bicycle parking spaces, eight class 2 bicycle parking spaces, and no vehicle parking.
2 documents in project