SCH Number 2019038253
Project Info
- Title
- Friends of Jawbone Restoration - Restoring Land Damaged by OHV Use
- Description
- Friends of Jawbone (FOJ) will restore non-designated trai ls at approximately 50 sites. Activities include: 1. Jawbone Subregion, monitor past restoration; 2. El Paso Subregion, install peeler posts on undesignated trails and restore parallel trails on EP15 from HWY14 to Red Rock lnyokern Road; 3. Rands Subregion, restore undesignated trails in RM29, RM40, RM41, RM42, RM61 , and RM62 restoration zones.
1 documents in project
Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Friends of Jawbone Restoration - Restoring Land Damaged by OHV Use |