SCH Number 2019038048

Project Info

CTUC Ground Operations - SRR- Geotherm and 395
Ongoing route maintenance activities include: removing road and trail side brush; minor tread maintenance; installing trail delineation to focus OHV use on designated trails; removing downed trees and boulders from roadways and trails; maintaining trail water bars/drainage structures such as culverts; armoring stream crossings with rock riprap; repairing and installing trail directional/OHV width restriction signs and route markers; and trash removal. Project activities include areas covered by the 2016 Motorized Transportation System Modifications, which include OHV single track previously designated as unauthorized trails and re-aligned trail through a Caltrans right-of-way.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Parks and Recreation CTUC Ground Operations - SRR- Geotherm and 395