SCH Number 2019030005

Project Info

Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians of the Big Valley Rancheria - APNs: 044-421-040, 044-421-030, 044-421-020, 044-421-010, 044-431-030, 044-431-020, 044-431-010, 0
The land referred to herein below is the situated unincorporated area, County of Lake, State of California and is described as follows: Parcel A (APN: 044-421-040-000), Parcel B (APN: 044-421-030-000), Parcel C (APN: 044-421-020-000), Parcel D (APN: 044-421-010-000), Parcel E (APN: 044-431-030-000), Parcel F (APN: 044-431-020-000), Parcel G (APN: 044-431-010-000), Parcel H (APN: 044-432-030-000), Parcel I (APN: 044-432-020-000), Parcel J (APN: 044-432-010-000), Parcel K (APN: 044-441-020-000), Parcel L (APN: 044-442-020-000), and Parcel M (APN: 044-481-150-000 and 044-491-110-000). The subject property consists of fourteen parcels totaling 49.318 acres, more or less, commonly referred to as Assessor's Parcel Numbers 044-421-040, 044-421-030, 044-421-020, 044-421-010, 044-431-030, 044-431-020, 044-431-010, 044-432-030, 044-432-020, 044-432-010, 044-441-020, 044-442-020, 044-481-150, and 044-491-110, also known as the "Mission Rancheria Road" property. The parcel(s) of land are located within the exterior boundaries of the Big Valley Rancheria and contiguous thereto. Currently, ten of the parcels are vacant and have had no disturbance, two parcels contain RV and overflow parking, and one parcel contains the Hoopa House and governmental offices. Eleven parcels are zoned agricultural preserve, floodway fringe and three parcels are zoned suburban reserves, waterway, wetlands, floodway fringe and three parcels are zoned suburban reserves, waterway, wetlands, floodway fringe. The tribe plans to retain the existing use of the property which will facilitate self-determination by preserving the land for future generations to come.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians of the Big Valley Rancheria - APNs: 044-421-040, 044-421-030, 044-421-020, 044-421-010, 044-431-030, 044-431-020, 044-431-010, 0
United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians of the Big Valley Rancheria - APNs: 044-421-040, 044-421-030, 044-421-020, 044-421-010, 044-431-030, 044-431-020, 044-431-010, 0