SCH Number 2019029008
Project Info
- Title
- Vietnamese Sangha Congregation Grading Abatement
- Description
- This application is for a Grading Abatement to restore the site to pre-graded conditions. Approx 2.19 acres of site was converted into a flat surface for parking that required approx. 9,8742 cy of grading with up to 25 ft in height of fill material. A new pond was excavated that resulted in 7,777 cy of cut in volume and 7 ft cut height, which altered a natural drainage swale that leads to Alamias Creek. An additional 4,215 cy of fill will be removed and hauled away from site as surplus backfill created from alteration of pipeline utilities. The proposed project will entail 10,558 cy of cut and 6,343 cy of fill to restore the site to prior existing conditions by regrading the property to original contours.
3 documents in project