SCH Number 2019018578

Project Info

Amendment to California Code of Regulations, Title 23. Water Division 6. Delta Stewardship Council Chapter 2. Consistency with Regulatory Policies Contained in
On January 24, 2019, the Delta Stewardship Council (Council) adopted a resolution to amend CCR, title 23, section 5002 (b)(2). The amendment incorporated all applicable mitigation measures adopted and incorporated into the Delta Plan as amended April 26, 2018 rather than referring only to the mitigation measures adopted and incorporated into the Delta Plan in 2013, when the Council certified the Delta Plan Program Environmental Impact Report and formally adopted the Delta Plan. The amendment revised section 5002, subsection (b)(2) as follows: "(2) Covered actions not exempt from CEQA must include all applicable feasible mitigation measures adopted and incorporated into the Delta Plan as amended April 26, 2018 (unless the measure(s) are within the exclusive jurisdiction of an agency other than the agency that files the certification of consistency), or substitute mitigation measures that the agency that files the certification of consistency finds are equally or more effective."
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1 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Delta Stewardship Council Cont.: the Delta Plan, Article 2. Certifications of Consistency, Section 5002 (b)(2)