SCH Number 2019012022

Project Info

Lawrence Station Area Plan (LSAP) Housing Study and Boundary Expansion
The Housing Study project description consists of increasing the maximum density allowance (in dwelling units per acre - du/ac) for MXD-I and MXD-II zoned areas (from 68 du/ac to 100du/ac) and expanding the area for where housing may be considered to the M-S/LSAP zoning district (maximum of 100 du/ac) and O-R (maximum of 54 du/ac). A total of 3,612 additional units will be studied, resulting in a total number of 5,935 allowable units in te LSAP. The maximum residential development capacity under the existing LSAP is 2,323 units. No changes are proposed to the MXD-III and R-5 zoning districts. The proposed expansion of the western LSAP boundary was requested by Intuitive Surgical, Inc. The sites requested for inclusion in the LSAP boundary expansion are 932,950 and 945-955 Kifer Rd, which are intended for future redevelopment.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Sunnyvale Intuitive North Site Modification Project (2022-7369) as a future project considered under Lawrence Station Area Plan (LSAP) Update/Intuitive Surgical Corporate
City of Sunnyvale Lawrence Station Area Plan Update/Intuitive Surgical Corporate Campus Project
City of Sunnyvale Lawrence Station Area Plan Update/Intuitive Surgical Corporate Campus Project
City of Sunnyvale Lawrence Station Area Plan (LSAP) Update and Intuitive Surgical (ISI) Corporate Campus Project
City of Sunnyvale Lawrence Station Area Plan (LSAP) Housing Study and Boundary Expansion