SCH Number 2019012005
Project Info
- Title
- Ritter Minor Subdivision - MS1701C
- Description
- Environmental Review for a minor subdivision to split a 2.96-acre parcel into two parcels: one 1.80-acre parcel (Parcel A) and one 1.1645-acre (parcel B). The project site is located approx. 3 miles northeast of Crescent City off Parkway Drive on Sandmann Road. The proposed parcel A is already developed with a single family residence and barn. The rest of the property is forested with second-growth redwood. No development is proposed at this time, although an additional single family residence and accessory uses could be developed at a later date as a result of this project. Project to be served by on site sewage and water. Soils testing has been conducted on the project site and has indicated suitable ground for on-site sewage disposal. A biological assessment has been conducted to determine no impacts would occur to sensitive species or habitat.
2 documents in project