SCH Number 2019011065
Project Info
- Title
- Olsen/South Chandler Ranch Specific Plan
- Description
- The project includes a request for a General Plan amendment, a specific plan, a rezone, multiple tentative tract maps, oak tree removal permit, abandonment of portions of the Condict Boulevard public ROW spur in the Our Town development, a development agreement, and formation of a community facilities district. Because the city's general plan currently identifies the Olsen Ranch and Chandler Ranch properties as separate specific plan areas, a GPA is necessary to integrate the combined planning area for this project and to re-designate the business park land use to residential on the Chandler Ranch property. A rezone is necessary to provide conformity between the zoning and any changes to the land use designations on the properties. Concurrent processing of tentative tract maps with other project entitlements is intended to max density of 1,233 dwelling units, for an average gross density of 4.9 units/acre over all residential areas, with up to 9,800 sf o neighborhood commercial development allowed on the Chandler Ranch property. The project area is currently zoned for single-family residential and planned industrial.
2 documents in project